Portal Park

The space to reconnect our children with nature and explore the various types of play

A park inspired by first world countries

With a biophilic designOur new playground is an invitation to explore and learn in the midst of nature. Here, children are encouraged to explore, create and learn while interacting with toys made from natural and sustainable materials.

Discover how the new playground at Escola Portal Sorocaba transforms play into an enriching and educational experience, promoting children's all-round development in a safe and stimulating space.

parque portal detalhe
parque portal detalhe

A deconstruction of the traditional idea of parks

Inspired by international educational trips to places like New Zealand, Reggio Emilia, Sydney, Barcelona and Buenos AiresThe CEO of Grupo Ágathos Educacional, Maria Fernanda Tabacow, and the Director of Escola Portal, Élide Martins, brought their vision of parks that challenge and inspire.

With many studies and foundations in the creation of the park, this project also contemplates the concept of playfulness:

A methodology created by psychologist Lucas Franco Freire, which comes as a response to the uncertainties, contradictions and ambiguities of hypermodernity.

The concept focuses on bringing more resilience, playfulness, flow and transforming emotional tension into creative tension while living in the present moment.

parque portal

"Play is the deepest form of research" - Albert Einstein

With toys that don't have a single, standardized function, in the new Portal School Park, children can create functions for the elements and consequently create their own games.

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